Our GIS department has extensive experience in managing the resulting data and displaying it in a scientifically useful and cartographically attractive format. PCL personnel have vast experience in using ArcInfo, ArcView and ArcGIS family of software products. All have received specialized training and certification in the use of ArcGIS, use of Visual Basic for application and itai??i??s ArcObjects for programming and customization, ArcView GIS and its Avenue programming language.
Major application activities using GIS
- Consulting and Project Planning
- GIS based web application and management system,
- GIS based land record system
- System and Application Development
- Implementation Support Services
- Database Development
- Mapping (Through use of County and City GIS data, as well as data from other sources, PCL is able to produce various types of maps, including: Subject-specific Maps, General Location Maps, Custom-sized Maps and Aerial Photography Maps. PCL provides high quality authoritative digital map, and imagery solution at a very competitive price).
- Attribute Data Analysis